Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Suspicious, paranoid, overly cautious and neurotic

Welcome to Alaina Parker's world.

Chapter 1

Alaina’s heart pounded through her chest like a jack hammer. Her breathing was short and strained as if filtered through a straw.  She laid there; eyes heavy and unwilling to open. Sweat had accumulated around her neck, on her chest and on the lower half of her plump baby-soft skin.  She was ill-prepared to discover if the torrid events were real or nothing more than a disgusting dream. 
She slowly released her clenched eyelids. A sliver of light made its way into her pitch black bedroom reassuring her that there was no truth to where her subconscious had taken her.  She erected herself quickly in her bed and leaned against the wooden headboard.  Her white down comforter added to the incineration that her body felt. Using the corner of her blanket, she wiped her sweaty face and neck before flinging it to the foot of the bed.  She hesitantly turned to the clock positioned on her nightstand where it revealed the time—four am.  Three consecutive days of waking up early in a pool of sweat was infuriating. 
This is the worst one yet, she thought to herself. The pesky switch to the lamp continued to dodge her reach, further aggravating her. The sound of glass crashing to the floor echoed throughout her nine-hundred square feet condo.
        “Crap! You’re so stupid,” Alaina said aloud.
She finally caught hold of the gold chain and gave it a gentle tug. The flood of light revealed an impeccably decorated bedroom —coral colored walls, black bamboo floors, a weathered book shelf filled with her favorite books, and wall art created by various local artists.
  Her brain rattled and her thoughts took off in a million different directions much like the shattered glass that now lay on her floor. She returned her head to the pillow, feeling disgusted. Her eyes followed the circular motion of the oscillating ceiling fan. Frustrated and weary, Alaina hoisted herself out of bed and carefully circumvented the object of her current distress.
Except for her heavy footsteps the place was completely silent. Still she felt as if she was being studied—a stalker, a spy or perhaps the eyes of a killer following her. The possibility wasn’t at all absurd given the events from her past.  But the probability was highly unlikely. 
Alaina’s inquisitive nature and sharp intuition was what made her successful at her job. She was consistently rewarded for being a top performer. From day one, URS drilled into their employee’s the rules for security protocol.  These regulations fit nicely in Alaina’s world and were a mere extension of her own set of self-imposed parameters. They gave her life stability and reassured her that she was now in control. 
Contributing to her suspicious nature was a healthy dose of self consciousness, directed squarely toward her jiggling butt and thick thighs. She felt their involuntary movement as she teetered down the half lit hallway—her blue nightgown swaying behind her like the American flag. Alaina reached inside her neatly packed closet to retrieve a small lobby broom and dust pan.
She returned to the bedroom and snatched off the rest of her scarf that as a result of her nightmare had gone cock-eyed.  Her black wavy, hair bounced out and rested just past her bra line. Her mother’s Latino descent endowed her with olive undertones and envious hair, making up for the paunchy package that she had also been dealt.
Life in the Parker family was anything but predictable. Being the only child offered no solutions to her lack of friends.  Her mother, Josephina, stepped in and provided the social interaction that Alaina needed. Alaina’s whimsical world of midnight hide-and-seek, whipped crème casserole, and unexcused absences came to a screeching halt the day her father died.
Uncle Martin and his family lived in a typical middle class neighborhood that was forty minutes away but worlds apart. When Alaina was sent to live with them she quickly learned who was in charge.  Uncle Martin was the king of his holy castle, assigning, scheduling and praying his family into submission.  Gone were the days of tent building, star-gazing and Pig Latin classes. Uncle Martin and Aunt Rachel stressed the importance of family, church, school and chores; in that order
        “Eleven year olds do not set their own bedtime,” he would remind her.
Like a well-trained soldier, Alaina eventually fell in line with his odd set of instructions. His rules certainly gave her life order and molded her into a well-disciplined ‘contributing member of society’.  It wasn’t until her untimely discovery of Uncle Martin’s distressing secret that she began to question his teachings.
        Alaina swept up the last few pieces of glass and damp mopped the floor to capture the smaller shards.  She plopped down on the bed, restless and confused. Her reprieve from the cause of her interrupted sleep had left. She was drawn to a place she dreaded, a place where disturbing thoughts invaded her saneness.
Alaina, when you feel like your world no longer makes sense, get it out of your head and give it to the paper gods, her mother would say.
She riffled through her lower drawer and pulled out her blue journal.  The hardback cover was unevenly faded and the corners slightly bent. Still it remained in pretty good condition even after all these years. The date of her last entry was on her twenty-first birthday.  It read October 2005.
Wow!  It’s been seven years, she thought.
She traced her hands alongside the top of the journal and felt the silver stitching that spelled out her name. Paging through each entry, she finally landed on a blank sheet. Her mind struggled with whether to commit the words to paper. Until now she dared not write it down. 
She grabbed the pen, pulled the top off and uneasily wrote:
I have got to stop this.  Right now! These crazy dreams that leap into my subconscious are driving me crazy.  I don’t know where they are coming from and they make no sense.  Maybe I shouldn’t have been so stingy with Kyle, making every excuse in the book to not show him my body.   I’m 28 years old without a prospect in sight.  So where is my soul mate? Maybe his absence is the reason why my mind keeps going there. I don’t like women. I’ve never liked women. This has got to stop!

Shadows due out fall 2012
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