Sunday, May 27, 2012

How to Survive Summer with Your Kids

I have been in a sour mood all week.  Trudging through the day and rolling my eyes haven't helped.  The weather is beautiful, my house is fairly clean and the bills are pretty much getting paid. So I ask myself what's with the funky mood?  Have you ever found yourself feeling like this? How did you snap out of it?  And please don't tell me to pray and read the Bible. I already do that.   

Everyone has their share of ups and downs in life.  It may seem for some like as soon as one storm is over here comes another.  In those instances it's totally warranted to feel drained and weary.  But for this particular case none of that applied.  

My husband and kids are well aware that when mommy is feeling a little antsy, it's best to not ask for anything extra.  I even shared my sour mood with a friend, hoping to receive some wise words to pull me out of my funk. Then I remembered. School was out in three days and I didn't have the first plans as to what my four kids would be doing this summer.

The thought of them home all summer caused a tad bit of anxiety.  Visions of me chasing behind them, chauffeuring them around town and the endless snacking, hit me like a ton of bricks.  Factor in the noise level, the fussing, the in and out, and the trail of destruction, that's enough to give anyone the heebie jeebies.

So what are you doing to make sure you survive summer with your kids?  I really want to know. I checked out our local community magazine and found several churches in my area that have VBS. Many were free or very inexpensive.  Then I found several three day camps available for my future tennis champion, my volleyball expert and my football running back.  The month of June was finally shaping up.  But camps can be expensive so July would have to involve some creativity.

I contacted one of my friends who lives in the area and we agreed to set up times where we swap kids. Yes!  I shared my frustration with my husband and we decided to rent new Wii games, purchase a Foosball table and a volleyball net for lots of outdoor fun. And lastly we instituted "morning learning".  

In order to participate in any fun activities our kids will be required to read for 30 minutes in the morning, complete one hour of online tutoring, (Check out Khan Academy) and read 30 more minutes before bed. This is how they bank their play time. A good friend of mine reminded me that my son who is sixteen going on twenty-five can also help chauffeur and assist them with their studies.

The shadow of darkness is lifted and I can breathe now! (pun intended)  My next novel "Shadows" is fifteen thousand words from being finished and I just might make my deadline.).  

What plans do you have for your kids this summer?

-Terri Whitmire
Author, Writer, Workshop Host


  1. My children may be going to the boys and girls club or to Florida with their dad. I really like your idea for morning learning that could probably be adjusted to evening learning :) I would also like to take them on a weekend retreat to Myrtle Beach. Ok, I want to go on a weekend retreat to Myrtle Beach, but if the stay here in Ga as opposed to going to Fl with dad then i may need to make some adjustments :)

  2. We do morning learning as well. My kids are in camp most weeks in the summer. They stay home with me for some "extensive" learning in the beginning and weeks of the summer for review before the head back to school. I have complied a good list of things to do this summer that are cheap or free. While I do have other things that I traditionally do with my kids this summer, those aren't cheap per se. For example, we go to a Braves game on the 4th and watch the fireworks or we take a trip to the beach.

    Here is a quick version of the list, but I have PLENTY!
    Sparkles Smyrna
    Every Wed 6P-9P & Sat 11A-1P Free Admissions ($3 skate rental)

    Regal Cinemas
    Every Tue & Wed @ 10A $1 Movie

    AMF Bowling
    Everyday until 8P, 15 and under get 2 free games May 14-Sep 3 (pay for shoe rental)
    Register to get voucher

    Brunswick Bowling
    Daily 18 and under are free, 1 game June 1-Aug 31
    Register to receive coupoun

    Opens Memorial Weekend
    $1 per person (adults free if you arent getting in the water)

    Farmers Market

    Summer Reading Program (free, just register)

    $10 Tubing
