Thursday, July 10, 2014

Lesson 18. Whose fault is it, anyway?

Pointing the finger and blaming someone else for our setbacks is easy and quite convenient.  In my case, I blamed everyone from the doctor to God.  It should have taken a maximum of 12 weeks to heal, and I was wondering what in the world God was waiting on.  Was it me?  Was it something I should have been doing?  It’s during times like these that all of us experience the shaking of our faith.  When the sharks begin to circle and the wolves have you surrounded, how will you react?

My solution was to pray and have faith... but minutes later I’d return to searching for my own answers.  This is what you call negating your confession.  After several months of tears, questions, and utter disbelief, I began to receive God’s clear message for me.  

Early one Tuesday morning as I stood in the bathroom washing my hands, He spoke to me.  I grabbed a pen and a pad, sat down on the cold, tile floor, and wrote down every word.  Those words eventually became the chapter content for each of the lessons in this book.  I delayed starting this project for months, oftentimes pinning the blame on God for not doing His part first.  I knew He had the power to heal me, He just didn’t want to. 

Soon I had to face my own reality: I was the one standing in the way.  I allowed fear to outweigh my faith.  Picking it up and putting it back down was what a friend said I had been doing.  It was my greatest aha moment.  My words professed my faith, but my actions told quite a different story.  What heavy weight are you holding on to that’s preventing your recovery?  What are your actions confessing?

Sure, you can justifiably blame those who failed to protect you, took advantage of you, or disappointed you, but blaming won’t produce a different outcome. Forgiveness takes courage and in return it gives you power.  Forgiveness redirects the energy away from the offender and shifts it back to you.  Release the blame and reclaim your power—reclaim your life.

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