Tuesday, September 27, 2011

It's Funny What Your Kids Pick Up.  

When my sisters and I were growing up a funny phrase was often re-iterated followed by howls of laughter.  We heard it on TV from a pastor.  The phrase was, "Sneak up on your kids one day.  You'll really find out what they think of you."  

Often times we say one thing and do another, which confuses our kids and trains them to not believe or trust in people's words. We all know the phrase "actions speak louder than words." Hence, your kids will most likely reflect what they see you doing, not saying.  The creation of Breathe for Me has been such a vital part of my life as well as my family's life and it hit me how much so after hearing them on this video. 

This video shows my girls(who have natural hair) having just returned home from a trip to the salon.  They were so excited about wearing their hair "out" that I decided to video them to capture the moment.  This is the unscripted, uncut video that I filmed.  This is truly a shameless plug but I just found it interesting of how much they have been listening (and possibly sneaking up on us).

.  Author, Terri Whitmire

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